Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014 - Blog #10

A few things are happening this week. We are considering ROP - Computing -  classes for my youngest son. It's time to start planning for his Junior year. I believe it will be good for him.

Once again I didn't want to write a blog. Give up, yeah that's what I'll do.... arghh... just do it!

I continue to write my novel. It's makes me nervous. I go from this is fun to what am I thinking? Can I really do this?

I'm going to keep plugging away because I have to finish, no matter what. I'm close. I just purchased an e-book to help me learn the craft of: Show, Don't Tell. I understand that it is a necessary skill. It's one of those things that is easier said than done. My fingers are poised over my keyboard some of the words are typed quickly while other words mix around in my head waiting, waiting for instructions.

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014 Blog #9

This is my blog so I guess it doesn't matter what the heck I decide to write...
I finished my taxes and e-filed. It always feels like such a weight until they can be filed. I'm just thankful that I didn't have to scrounge for money in order to pay. Between the Fed and the State, we are good.

I continue to write and lose confidence, wondering how was it that I thought I could write a novel? I must have been crazy!  But I can't seem to give up. I'm determined to finish my first draft and try to blog each week...

Maybe with a little luck and practice I'll become better.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014 - Blog #8

February 24, 2014

Blog #8

Again I'm uninspired and too busy to think about blogging. But I made myself a goal and I can't quit after only two months. So here is my next blog....
I guess you're waiting for something, I'm drawing a complete blank. Let's see what kind of week I've had. I've finished my taxes using TurboTax but I haven't filed yet because I need to make sure I have all the updates and I want to make sure I don't have paperwork that might trickle in. I'm happy that I won't be in the hole this year. Yay!!

I continue to work on my book. I've edited some pages I wrote during NaNoWriMo. I continue to research the best way to write better sentences.

I did write a scene that has been rolling around in my head for the last couple of weeks. It just flowed. I know I want to use the scene I haven't' figured out where I want the scene to be placed. I'm not too worried but I know it will fall into place.

Curiosity had me wondering how many words I wrote, I finally took the time to get the count, 1,589 words!! Way more than I thought. I'm really looking forward to integrating this scene in just the right place.

Now to start thinking about the next blog...

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014 -- Blog #7

February 17, 2014 -- Blog #7

I'm back and not with too much to say, again. I had my last writing class for the session. I received some nice comments from fellow students, but most importantly from the teacher. She said I have improved greatly. A smiley face for me!

Here's a reading list update

[ ] Lost Saints of Tennessee by Amy Franklin-Willis
[ ] The Plot Whisperer by Martha AIderson - This I read when I able to, or need help.
[ ] Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas (favorite author!)
[ ] Birthright by Nora Roberts
[X] Homespun Bride by Jilluan Hart - 2-10-14
[X] Angels Fall by Nora Roberts - 3/5/2014
[X] Glamour (Rae Wilder, #1) by Penelope Fletcher -- 1/27/14
[X] All I want for Christmas by Nora Roberts -- 1/27/14
[X] The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks -- 01/20/2014
[X] Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble -01/17/2014
[X] The Unsuspecting Mage: Book One of the Morcyth Saga by Brian S. Pratt - Finished! - 01/12/14
[X] Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014 - Blog #6

Oh my gosh. Blog every Monday. Oops. I'm late but here is a little something to post.... I've got nothing. I've been working on editing my story, and inputting tax info into TurboTax. The weather has been wet. Something we really need. The freeway "up to date" information signs asks us to conserve, we are in a drought.

Now it's time for my next blog... a week can pass by quickly.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014

Blog #5

how to fake an immaculate house Today I'm looking for cleaning charts to help me clean better and not spend all day cleaning or in my case, easily side tracked. Side tracked usually means no chores done. I came across this site and thought I could maybe do this. So I'm sharing, maybe it will help you too.

I also wanted a chart that the I cof-cleaning-how-to-have-fake.htmlat do you want me to do?" We've been trying to teach them to ask us for a chore or something before they get to goof off. Most times my brain seems to busy to think. With a chart I could quickly locate a chore that can be done. The kids might not like it, but I will. I think when the kids ask, they are srcretly hoping I wont think of anything.

Also this week I've been working on my novel. Class has been in session and I need to have somthing to share. I've have written but it needs to be cleaned pu. So I've been trying to edit. Which rminds me that I need to read and critique anothers story pages. Maybe it's a procastination thing. But I'm still reading how to write a good story

today is monday, post my blog day. I cant seem to get to my computer to do what i need. 
I'm at this moment sitting at an investment seminar luncheon.  Lunch was not so good either.  The chicken wad dry and tasteless.  The head of the investment company is passionate buy eighty percent of the information comimg from his excitable brain can not be processed by my brain. But the forecast looks good they expect a bull market. 

I'm wondering how I can skip out of here. I have homework for writing class which includes editing my current work and reading and critiquing another's.  At least it's only one.

i did have some  time before coming here but I spent close to an hour trying to rewrite a paragraph to convey the right meaning. i wanted to read my writing, my a few changes and be done with ten pages.

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014
DoerDi Does... Blog #4

Once again I'm at a lost for words of interest for this weeks blog.
It's been a busy week for thinking, planning and doing.

I've been working on what to make for our Super Bowl party. I thought about chicken lollipops. They looked like a fun thing to serve, but after some research, I decided they were too time consuming.

Now what? I need to look though my collection of cookbooks, my Pinterest page or some web surfing. 

Research done, I'm thinking about making Bacon Wrapped Smokies with brown sugar and butter, a baked Pepper Jack Cheese Dip, spaghetti casserole with garlic bread and a Sunshine punch (rum on the side as an additive) mmm. It could change, but at the moment this is what I'm settling on.

In the meantime my son has been sick causing him to miss a week of school. He had one week of instruction before his finals. He had to catch up on missed work, do new homework and review for finals. Every time I think about his schoolwork my heat beat quickens. His response is, "it's all under control." I have less confidence then he does. I've seen his grades! I will be glad when the semester is over. I Just hope his grades are decent.

I've been working on gathering stuff for tax time. Part of this includes scanning my receipts into a program which helps to gather totals. I tried to consistently scan my paperwork at least once a week.When that didn't work I tried for every other week, then once a month then eventually whenever I could. Now I have a huge pile of paper to get through, now!
On a fun note, my friend is workingon a spa vacation for some us girls. I think this may become an annual event for us. I'm so excited. Last year was such a fun relaxing time. I felt like all my worries disappeared. The time we spent at the resort was all about taking care of ourselves. Spa treatments, good food, friends, floating in a geyser filled pool. Absolute heaven.
What more can I say? Well, ... not much.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Think Clip Art
January 20, 2014
DoerDi Does... Blog #3
I want to keep up with this challenge but what could I write about. . . .  thinking, thinking. . . .  and thinking some more.
Now what?  
I guess it doesn't really matter what I blog, especially since the only person who may read this would be Missy - the one who got me into this mess (I mean challenge) in the first place.
I could report on another book I've started, but it's only been a week and I haven't made room to add another.
Or, how about how I haven't shared this blog with anyone, ok I did share my first blog with Julie but no one else. I have the option to send a tweet or a Facebook link for this blog to get traffic.
. . . but I'm too embarrassed to put myself out there. DoerDi Does might accidentally come across someone's eyes. They may or may not scan the contents, and that's okay.  Most likely they won't so my blogging is mostly for my benefit.
Hmmm.... what do I want to have resting in this space for a very long time? It can't be something I'll be ashamed of because I may just achieve my dream of becoming a published author!

..... A side note her to convey a bit of frustration from this "Blogger" site. I'm trying to figure out how to add blogs, which I seem to do. Then add links and pictures, save my drafts until I'm ready to publish after I have "polished" my words. Boom! I publish it and it looks nice and pretty and a smile stretches across my face. I feel proud, I'm keeping up by publishing my blog each week thus far.  Then it's time to start another blog only to come back to my space and find my latest blog and "polished" revisions are gone and a draft waiting to be published. I'm frustrated because I've no clue what is happening and why. Big, big frowny sad face :(  So this  blog is probably missing some words I wanted to share, but they are lost and I'm not in the mood to locate them, I have another blog waiting..... Have a good day :)


Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014. 
DoerDi does . . .  Blog # 2
I have been reading some other blogs and recently read someone's challenge for the year 2013. Their challenge was to read 50 books over the course of the year That had me thinking, What a great challenge. Then I started wondering about myself, how many books did read last year?
I have no idea! How many will I read this year? I never thought about the actual number of books I've read or am capable of reading. So, I'm going to, do my best to, track how many books I finish during 2014. Sounds like a challeng to better myself.
You might be asking, why does it matter? In the greater scheme of things I guess it doesn't, does it? I'm thinking, not really, other than now I'm curious.  I tell people I read a lot, but how do I quantify that?
 I have a friend who says she reads a lot. And she does! I loaned her a box of books (I think there had to be at least 25 books) She returned the books after about two months, maybe sooner. Wow- That, I thought was awesome. There is no way I could have accomplished that. Frankly, I'm envious. I'm happy that she can do what she loves.

I read as often as I can, which isn't nearly enough as far as I'm concerned. I recently decided that I need to read different genres and 'feel' how other authors hook you into caring about the characters and their journey.  I've turned to listening to audio books as well, I can't read while I drive, but I can listen! I loved that I can "read" at leaast two books at once. I wonder how many books I will finish while doing my; be a mom, housewife, writer, crafter, sister, daughter, friend and everything in between to keep things moving forward.
Reading Inventory:
Dear John by Nicholas Sparks - Finished! - 01/09/14

Lost Saints of Tennesse by Amy Franklin-Willis

The Plot Whisperer by Martha AIderson - This is when I'm able to, or need help.

The Unsuspecting Mage: Book One of the Morcyth Saga by Brian S. Pratt - Finished! - 01/12/14  - free download - (for now)

The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks

Dreaming of Anastasia by Joy Preble

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014
DoerDi Does . . .  Blog #1
It’s the start of a new year and the start of new challenges. There's the usual, eat less, move more and a host of things to help change our life for the better. I want to do more and do less all at the same time. Meaning, work towards contentment and reduce the amount of strife and stress.

Change is the one thing everyone is capable of doing. Therefore, I'm striving to make good choices and have a positive attitude and to always looking for the rainbow in everyday life, even if it’s a bad day or a bad moment.

Last year I started my first novel. I expect to have my first draft completed by year end and hopefully my final draft... Now, let me veer a little here;
 I wrote that previous sentence with such ease and confidence. An ease that has not always been there, confidence? Well I’m still working on that.
I've harbored the dream of writing a book someday for a very long time. But it was docked in a faraway place, so far that I had forgotten it existed. Then once upon a time while I perused the community classes I saw a Writer’s Workshop after seeing this listed class time and again, I finally signed up.
 I wrote, what turned out to be essays. Essays? I wanted a book story. I wasn’t sure what my problem was but I continued writing in the hopes that one of my stories would bridge over to a novel. Very few people knew I was taking a class and those who did, well I didn’t discuss it.  I was afraid of the response. So I continued to write in secret. Until one day I confessed to one of my friends.  
Instead of the expected reaction of an incredulous look or a laugh in your face I got genuine excitement. I gritted my teeth and shared my stories with someone who was interested with complete enthusiasm. Finally with the help of my teacher and other students I was able to stretch a story essay into the start of a book. Again I shared this story with my friend, Julie, Her opinions felt true and honest I continued with my story in class and with my friend. She is my greatest cheerleader. Even with her praise and enthusiasm, I continued to keep my writing class, mostly a secret. I wasn't able to admit my dream to myself, the desire to write a book and have it published. Then one day while sharing my story pages with Julie in Starbucks, she struck up a conversation with a stranger and told this anonymous person that I was working on my novel! I remember the heat rising in my cheeks feeling embarrassed that my friend said what I was unable to voice. From then on little by little, page by page, I began to believe it was possible.

Julie proudly told people, friends and strangers. She is more confident in my abilities than I am. She is always there giving support with helping to keep my story details in check. With gentle pushes and nudges she keeps moving me forward especially when self-doubt swims all around me.

I have now told more people, but not too many, that I’m writing a book. I have excitement and support coming in from different directions and now I feel like I have to finish my story.


So, where was I before I took that side road? Oh, yes, the whole purpose of this blog and the reason for starting this, which is the result of a conversation I had with my friend and writing buddy, who I met in class. ( We have committed ourselves to meeting once a week to encourage and help one another outside of class.

One thing led to another in a conversation when I mentioned that I wanted to  improve my writing.  Practice, Practice, practice is what makes us better. Missy is an aspiring author, she is vibrant, filled with energy and high hopes. If you are reading this, she is the one to thank.


She suggested we start a weekly blog starting on the first Monday of January 2014. -one week from today- conception to our first deadline. Frankly, I have my doubts, but this where I look back to my earlier words; ...change life for the better. more and towards contentment and reduce the amount of strife and stress.  This does not feel like less stress, but it does feel like change. Change is not always easy so here I am knee deep in words on a new road, a bumpy road.

I’m sitting here at a proverbial stop light that is big and red, waiting for it to change, don't look back I whisper to myself, just move forward. I feel a thick overcoat of weight hugging my body, everywhere. I have to figure out which way to go, left, right or forward. I've packed my bag; I look around, which way to Blogtown? I'm hoping the trip is easier then writing this blurb.
Now that I'm done, I think this writing task, may be the easiest part of this adventure. 

I hope everyone has a great year by making changes for the better. Remember to look for the rainbow.